237 research outputs found

    Longer-Baseline Telescopes Using Quantum Repeaters

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    We present an approach to building interferometric telescopes using ideas of quantum information. Current optical interferometers have limited baseline lengths, and thus limited resolution, because of noise and loss of signal due to the transmission of photons between the telescopes. The technology of quantum repeaters has the potential to eliminate this limit, allowing in principle interferometers with arbitrarily long baselines.Comment: 10 pages, v2 improved clarit

    A wavelength-tunable fiber-coupled source of narrowband entangled photons

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    We demonstrate a wavelength-tunable, fiber-coupled source of polarization-entangled photons with extremely high spectral brightness and quality of entanglement. Using a 25 mm PPKTP crystal inside a polarization Sagnac interferometer we detect a spectral brightness of 273000 pairs/(s mW nm), a factor of 28 better than comparable previous sources while state tomography showed the two-photon state to have a tangle of T=0.987. This improvement was achieved by use of a long crystal, careful selection of focusing parameters and single-mode fiber coupling. We demonstrate that, due to the particular geometry of the setup, the signal and idler wavelengths can be tuned over a wide range without loss of entanglement.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Article rewritten, added Fig.(1a-1b). Published in Optics Express, comments welcom

    Is wave-particle objectivity compatible with determinism and locality?

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    Wave-particle duality, superposition and entanglement are among the most counterintuitive features of quantum theory. Their clash with our classical expectations motivated hidden-variable (HV) theories. With the emergence of quantum technologies we can test experimentally the predictions of quantum theory {\em versus} HV theories and put strong restrictions on their key assumptions. Here we study an entanglement-assisted version of the quantum delayed-choice experiment and show that the extension of HV to the controlling devices only exacerbates the contradiction. We compare HV theories that satisfy the conditions of objectivity (a property of photons being either particles or waves, but not both), determinism, and local independence of hidden variables with quantum mechanics. Any two of the above conditions are compatible with it. The conflict becomes manifest when all three conditions are imposed and persists for any non-zero value of entanglement. We propose an experiment to test our conclusions.Comment: A published version. The logic is similar to the original version, but many changes were introduce
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